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Really missing

Synchronize Outline View
The outline view does not update its selection based on cursor movement in editor view.
Documentation / Help
So far the editors usage and features is not documented outside this project web

To have a quickstart, just do the following:

  • Start eclipse with a workspace of your choice
  • Create a new project (File→New→Project→General→Project) with any name
  • Create a new file under this project (File→New→File) with any name and extension .lsl
  • Start editing the file (the SL editor plugin should be opened as editor by default)
  • Once you are ready to test you have to use Cut&Paste to transfer the source to SL

There are a lot of Eclipse standard features (version control and shared code in a team via CVS or SVN to be mentioned) which add value to this approach but can not be covered here in detail.

Feature Requests

Context Aware Editor Templates
Templates are available with 1.1.8. Still it would be desirable to have different contexts where templates are valid or not (e.g. events inside events make no sense). This would require a more sophisticated parsing.

Further Ideas

Enhance Lexxer and Parser to recognize variables and functions
This would be useful for syntax checking and for highlighting/completion.

Design by ByronStar